Call Us 972-346-0497 Get Directions 4940 W. University Dr., Suite 40, Prosper, TX 75078 Hours: Mon,Wed: 8AM-5PM | Tue,Thu: 9AM-6PM | Fri: 7AM-4PM | Sat: By Appt.

5 Habits To Kick For A Bright, White Smile

Do you wish your teeth were whiter? White, bright teeth are not only attractive but also a sign that your smile is healthy! To improve your teeth’s appearance and health, here are five bad habits to break. Poor Oral Hygiene When you don’t brush and floss well, your teeth suffer. To brighten your smile, improve … Continued

The Importance of a Good Oral Hygiene Routine

Nobody knows for sure what things will look like in the future but there’s one thing we can predict with confidence. If you pay attention to your oral health now, your efforts will be rewarded with better reports when you are able to come back for regular preventive care. Hope to see you soon!

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take care of your smile